Apricot Kernels

Known as one of the healthiest seeds in the world, apricot kernels are packed with high-powered compounds that support cellular health and can aid in the treatment of damaged cells. These kernels are a natural source of Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin), Laetrile, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron, making them a valuable addition to any immunotherapy regiment.

Why Apricot Kernels


  • Rich in Fiber, which Supports Digestive Health and treats hemorrhoid
  • Contain Thiamine and Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which May Lower Blood Pressure and Improve Heart Health
  • May Reduce the Effects of Inflammation and Arthritis
  • Full of Zinc which could Support Vision and Eye Health
  • Vitamin B17 May   Support Liver Health 
  • Vitamin B17 May Boost Immune System Defense
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Support Mental Health
  • Calcium Found in Apricot Kernels are Essential to Bone Health
  • B17 and Zinc Could Also Ease Ear Pain
  • B17 is Considered an Anti-Aging Agent for Skin
  • Protein May Support Muscle Repair and Growth
  • Iron and Phosphorus in Apricot Kernels May Decrease Tiredness and Fatigue
  • Apricot Kernels Have Been Used to Support Respiratory Health
  • Antioxidant Properties
  • Contains Vitamin B-15, or Pangamic Acid, for Exercise Endurance

WARNING : Apricot Kernels contain cyanide. Do not consume more than 3-5 kernels a day. Not suitable for children. Be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dizziness.

Product Information

An English and Afrikaans product information leaflet is available below for more details on Apricot Kernel ingredients, dosage, administration, contra-indications, side effects, and other usage guidelines. This document serves as a medicine insert equivalent for the product. Please review carefully and consult your healthcare provider if you have any additional questions.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.