Prostate Care

Prostate problems are more prevalent in men over 50.

It tends to grow larger as you get older. If your prostate gets too large, it can cause multiple health issues.

The three most common prostate problems are:

• Inflammation (prostatitis) – Usually from inflammation

• Enlarged prostate (BPH) – Hormone changes in the prostate

• Prostate cancer – Eating habits greatly influence outcome

How can Prostate Care help me?

This specifically formulated supplement contains (amongst others) the following:

• Zinc Picolinate 

  May assist in reducing the production of DHT (Molecular sexual structure hormone)

• Grape Seed Extract 

  May eleviate symptoms such as frequent urination

• DIM 

Appears to help destroy cancer cells and reduce painful swelling

• Boswellin Super

Manages inflammation responses

• Various vitamins to maintain healthy tissue


Prostate Tips:

• Exercise regularly

• Consume less fats

• Drink more water – Do not drink less because of urination difficulties. YOU need good water

• Reduce stress:  Stress has been shown to negatively impact many aspects of your health, and prostate health is at the top of the list. Men in stressful situations often have tension in their pelvic muscles where they tighten their muscles without realizing they’re doing it. Tightening your pelvic muscles can result in many prostate problems, including chronic prostatitis.  (

• Go for screening

• Drink Tulsi

Product Information

An English and Afrikaans product information leaflet will be available below for more details on Prostate Care’s ingredients, dosage, administration, contraindications, side effects, and other usage guidelines. This document will serve as a medicine insert equivalent for the product. Please review carefully and consult your healthcare provider if you have any additional questions.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.